Hi! My name is Laurel, and I had the pleasure of being the Program Intern at the Children’s Healing Center this summer. This summer was full of adaptability, learning, and growth. I had the best experience, and I met some of the best children, and families.
I could not have asked for more out of an internship program. With COVID, operations were quite different than normal, but we were able to adapt. The most important part of working at the center this summer was being able to make a plan, and still be flexible when the plans changed. I had the pleasure of planning three themed camps this summer; Animal Antics, Pig in a Pancake, and Art Every Day. Each camp was different to plan, and I learned what worked, and what didn’t as we completed each camp. I also interacted with a variety of age groups at each camp. The camps would not have run as smoothly without the support of the CHC staff and volunteers. The CHC was a place I was excited to be a part of, and I loved being a member of their team.

Miss Laurel volunteering in 2016
My favorite event this summer, was the Mom and Daughter night that I was able to plan and help host. We made fairy gardens, did hair and makeup, and I think it made the moms and daughters feel special. During the event, I French braided all of the girls’ hair, and added sparkle hair spray. I could see from the looks on their faces that it was making them feel happy and beautiful. After the evening was over, as one of the girls was leaving, she said “Bye, Ms. Laurel, I hope to see you sometime soon at the center.” It may seem like a small comment, but it made me feel that I had made a difference this summer, and it made me proud of the work I had accomplished this summer.
“The CHC was a place I was excited to be a part of, and I loved being a member of their team.”
I am confident that the CHC has helped pave my way for success in my profession. The CHC is such a valuable place to the community and the members they serve. I would love to continue helping them as they grow. I know they will continue to make a positive impact in many families lives like they have made in mine. I’m so thankful for the opportunity I was given, and I am so blessed to have been a part of this team and community this summer.