Changing the Narrative

Parents with kids who are medically complex often receive comments meant to be helpful that have the opposite effect.

We’re proud to share a new booklet pointing out some commonly said phrases – and what to say instead. Compiled from the advice of a group of parents at the Center, the booklet serves as a conversation starter and resource.

Click on the image to view, or contact the Center for copies of your own.


Hear from our Members & Providers

smiling teen showing off craft

The Children’s Healing Center is a place I can be myself in every way, there isn’t a focus on what is wrong with me. It is a place that I can be a teenager and not be worried about what makes me different.



Hardly anything can compare to knowing someone out there cares enough to build a place where we can bring our child for care, comfort and love.

Shavonn Burgess

Children’s Healing Center Member/Parent

How wonderful to be able to have a somewhere.

Hannah Bedinger

Children’s Healing Center Member/Parent

Childhood is a magical time of hopes and dreams. For some, disease can alter what it means to be a child and bring forth fear and uncertainty. Children’s Healing Center restores that joy, excitement, and sense of security so important to childhood.

Dr. Nasuh Malas

Division Director, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital