Our Monthly Programs

We are an inclusive facility designed for the entire family. We adapt all of our programming to the physical and developmental abilities of our members. Below are program descriptions with age suggestions. We highly encourage all families to RSVP to programs but you’re welcome to drop in for free play hours.

Adult Program

Parents come together for Dads Night and Moms Night, Adult Night, Sole Connection (single parents), and Dessert and Dialogue.

AYA West Michigan

Ages 18-26

A social group of young adults. AYA hosts typical social experiences to build friendships. (i.e. game nights, yoga, grill outs)

Clinics & Clubs – CC

Ages 7+

Join us for special 3 to 6 week for skills, friendship building and team bonding (i.e. study buddies, book club, culinary, Sibshops and more).

Dance & Music

Join us to dance, sing, or play music!

Day Camp – DC

Ages 5+

Themed Camps are planned around school breaks and are different each day (i.e. summer, holiday, and spring break camps)

Family Fitness – FF

A series for families to focus on a healthy lifestyle with fun physical activities.


Program designed for differentlyabled children and their families, encouraging sensory fun and exploration.

Holiday Celebration – HC

A special Holiday event designed for the entire family (i.e. Halloween, Santa Day, and Egg Hunt)


Kids participate in free play with lots of choices.

Little Tots University – LTU

Ages 2.5-5

Our Preschool Program runs all school year and requires formal registration.


Ages 0-5

Join us to learn a variety of movements to encourage physical fitness.

Kids Night Out – KNO

Ages 5+

Parents drop off kids for a night out kids-free. Fun is based on a favorite movie theme.

Parent Yoga

Take your mind off everyday stressors and enjoy a gentle yoga session.

Saturday Program – SP

Join us for themed activities geared for all ages. Enjoy socializing and engaging with others.

Special Events – SE

Ages 5+

Join us for a “special event” geared towards building connections in a unique way (i.e. daddy/daughter, mother/son, mother/daughter, and dad/son)

Story Time

Ages 0-5

Gather around for story time in our exploratory play featuring themed books and activities.

The Mud Room

Paint pottery and wood signs. The Mud Room will finalize your work. Every month they come and bring supplies for our members!


Ages 10-13

All tweens join us for a fun evening to socialize and build friendships with others their age.


Ages 14-17

Teens gather for social time while exploring a variety of activities.